9 Shocking Reaction After Action Heat
How it felt like crying after touch yesterday ... yes
Before getting married, maybe every woman is often thought of "sleeping in the arms of pairs after having sex" is a romantic thing that would often they experienced. But unfortunately, the reality often speak another. Various reactions occur astonishing fact, make some women confused. Like 9 the following general reaction.
You obviously love her and not being angry with him, and why it felt like crying after the action just now? Do not worry, said Isadora Alman, experts and sex therapist from San Francisco. Occasionally someone cries after intercourse. This is normal and no big deal. "This was as an outlet of tension is felt," he added.
"Bleeding was not normally happen unless you are menstruating or loss of virginity. According to Dr. Rankin, founder OwningPink.com, if a woman is bleeding after intercourse, it might be related to such things as the presence of abnormal cells in the cervix, which makes blood vessels to break easily when touched during intercourse. polyps, vaginal infections due to fungus, or trauma to the lining of blood could be the cause too. "If the bleeding occurs more than once, see a doctor. This condition is an important warning that should not be ignored, "advises Dr. Rankin.
Want to be alone
Unlike the stories of your friends who are always spoiled, pampered in the arms of the couple after the action, you actually feel like myself. "After intense sexual intimacy, whether women or men sometimes need a time out to reinvent herself," says Alman. Feelings give away too much to make everyone have to be alone so as not to lose their identity. If you find yourself want to be alone, remember to keep control of the attitude for the couple not to feel rejected or neglected.
If the action thrilling overnight followed by the rather severe headache, then you do not own. The reason? "Because of intercourse and orgasm can make blood pressure rise, making it more likely someone would have a headache," said Dr. Rankin. However, it is important to ensure that perceived headache is not caused by something else like a tumor or neurological disorders. Usually post-related headaches are not dangerous, but if you feel disturbed, immediately consult a physician to obtain the best solution.
Temporary amnesia
It's like a fairy tale, but the fact is, this may occur. After the action of heat, a woman can forget, where he is, what year was, to how she could be there. Although rare, this condition usually occurs due to blood flow in the brain (the hippocampus) are substandard.
Sperm allergy
According to experts, approximately 40 thousand women in the United States suffer from an allergy to sperm, causing the reaction itching, swelling, and even breathing difficult. In some cases, this condition can even cause death. Serious situation can be avoided with the use of condoms, or through special therapy.
However, after the associated itching caused by allergies do not always sperm. Other causes could have food allergies. "Food that is eaten husband affect sperm quality, so that husbands need to know whether she was allergic to certain foods or not. If not eating, so better do not relate to 36 hours ahead or use a condom," says Alman.
Like after the exercise, the body needs intake, so is the hot action. Hunger after sex is normal.
Sore throat
Breath heavy in action can make the mouth dry. The result? Throat was sore. How to cope with this course is to provide water near the bed for you not to thirst while connected. However, the pain can also arise as a result of having oral sex with a partner who contracted venereal disease.
Several other pain ...
Dr. Rankin said, "if after intercourse, pain arises periodically, then there are various causes, ranging from contraction of the vagina that prevents penetration, inflammation of the vaginal lips, athlete's foot, and much more." Immediately see a doctor if pain does not arise naturally, because it is basically sex blessings and not painful at all.