Is it true that wearing two condoms reduce the risk of getting pregnant?
Pregnancy can be a disaster if it comes at a bad moment, but the temptation to have sex before marriage is also not easy to avoid. This is what led to attempts to prevent pregnancy. It seems these ways are safe and effective in preventing pregnancy, but it was not entirely correct. Find out why before you fall.

Monthly cycle
Avoiding intercourse during the fertile period, is believed to prevent pregnancy. This is also referred to as a natural contraceptive system or contraceptive calendar. However, sperm can survive 3 to 5 days in the Miss V, whereas a woman's fertile period can rarely be exactly at the same time frame every month. If sperm are still active when a woman start a fertile period, then the woman will become pregnant. Therefore, this method of contraception is only 35% success rate.
During menstruation
Menstruation is a time decay of the uterus and the release of an egg cell that has passed the fertile period. Most people would think of penetration on a woman's vagina during your period will not cause pregnancy because she was not in the fertile period. But some women have very short cycles, so that at the end of menstruation could be he's already entered the fertile period. If this happens, the sperm penetration can still cause pregnancy.
Pull out intercourse
Also called coitus interrupted, he would spend Mr. P when he will reach the big O so that the sperm issued outside of Miss V. This method is often used to prevent pregnancy, but the success rate is still low. This is due to lubricant fluids released by Mr. P can take sperm and egg cells, if met, will cause pregnancy.
Two condoms
A condom is to provide protection, perhaps with the intention of improving security, the pair will put two condoms
at once. While friction between the condoms can actually create a thin layer of tears. Some condoms are also equipped with a lubricant on the outside so that the risk of wearing two condoms at once detached and left in the Miss V. Oops ...
Certain position
A wide variety of positions during lovemaking is believed to inhibit pregnancy. This particular position is difficult for sperm reaching the egg, but it does not mean the possibility of pregnancy to 0 percent. So in any position, as long as there is healthy sperm is actively engaged in the vagina, pregnancy can still occur.
Jumping & Douching
Appears myth that says, if a woman jumping up and down and clean the canal Miss V with a spray of water or a special fluid, sperm would fail to reach the egg and can be removed immediately after intercourse so that pregnancy does not occur. Unfortunately, the second can not be ascertained in this way truly remove all the sperm so that fertilization does not occur, because only one sperm that successfully reach the egg, it will form the fetus.
Intercourse in water
The idea, water will dissolve the sperm and keep him away from Miss V. In addition, chlorine and anti-bacteria in the pond is believed to kill the sperm so that pregnancy can be prevented. But do not be lulled by the fact that this seems true, because the sperm is released in Miss V protected from chlorine and pool water so it is still able to fertilize your egg.
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