Apparently there are many facts that show that most women still lay on the situation in intimate areas.
Lack of attention and little information is gained into the reasons why many women ignore the importance of taking care of Miss V. Reluctance to ask questions or seek information about Miss V makes many women more careless in the care of her female organs of this. To avoid unwanted things, check out carefully the following important information.

1. Miss V is able to keep itself clean
Outside of the use of harsh soaps and cleansers, Miss V was able to keep it clean itself you know. This is because he is a lot of the gland that produces fluid that required both as a lubricant or cleanser for your feminine area. Use soaps that contain chemical dyes or perfumes can cause irritation of the vagina and remove liquid lubricants become equally important. When these components are lost due to be washed with soap, anaerobic bacteria and fungi also increased, which can cause a smelly vagina and itching.
2. Miss V widened when aroused
The average width of vagina in women usually is 3 to 4 inches. However, it can be widened more than 4 inches when you're getting the stimulation. There are few women in pain while having sexual relations with her partner because penis size is fairly or very big. Suggestions for using lots of lubricant and sexual relations are slowly advised by Dr. Lissa Rankin, a gynecologist who specializes in dealing with women. You are also advised to ask your partner to warm up before having sex. The more you get a lot of stimulation, the less likely you are to feel pain during intercourse.
3. Like the skin of the face, Miss V to shrink with age
Fact of life: your feminine appearance section will change as you age. Leather Miss V may no longer be tight because the amount of estrogen hormone that is reduced so that the layer of fat on the skin of Miss V contract. The depletion of the amount of collagen can also cause skin Vagina slack. Plus, genital skin will turn dark and the clitoris will shrink.
4. Miss V, is not bottomless
Every woman is often heard myth that something could have been "lost" into Miss V. Do not be afraid, Miss V is not connected with other organs in your body. So do not be afraid there will be lost in there! However, there is also the possibility of bandage can be left in the Miss V. The use of pads that are too long can lead to the possibility of this happening. As found on the surface of cotton pads that can be carried into the Miss V. This is dangerous because if you inadvertently can cause infection in the walls of Miss V. If this occurs, immediately consult a doctor so it can be handled quickly and securely using a speculum and forceps.
5. Some women ejaculate orgasms simultaneously with
There are several glands around the urethra that produces fluid, especially when the walls of Miss V berstimulasi. This area by several experts called the "female prostate", a collection of glands, blood vessels, veins, spongy tissue, which can produce a liquid when berstimulasi Miss V on some women.
6. Miss V changes shape after giving birth
There are ways to restore firmness your Vagina after giving birth. Doctors recommend Kegels, a kind of exercise to restore the beauty of your Vagina after giving birth.
7. Miss V such as the biceps muscle, treat it or you lose its beauty
Intercourse is not the only way to protect sensitive tissue on the walls of your vagina healthy. There are many other ways, like Yoni, a gentle massage for your feminine area. Do you ignore your health Vagina, Vagina walls will merapuh and when the menopause comes, the walls of Miss V will be hurt and a little close.
8. Mucus production in the Miss V different
Some women have ektropion, the glands that produced in the cervix. If the gland is in the cervical mucus is produced networking, then the total expenditure on Vagina mucus will increase. Some women produce a considerable amount of even very much. The color of mucus that comes out otherwise healthy if the color is whitish, and becomes yellow when it dries. But if the greenish slime when wet, hot and itchy or smells, you should immediately consult a physician
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